Small habits are key to unlocking your potential

Small changes in your habits is the key to unlocking your potential.

"Small habits can unlock the improvements you need to get the results you want. Your life today is essentially the sum of your habits. ... What you repeatedly do ultimately forms the person you are, the things you believe, and the results you enjoy." (James Clear)

This same principal applies 100% in business. The things you know will move you forward often become your blocks so you need to change your action in order to form new habits.

New 'good' habits = better results

For example you may have told yourself your whole life you weren't "good at admin" but doesn't mean you can't form small habitual changes that empower you to change your thought pattern and then take action to get on top of your admin tasks efficiently.

Another big example I see often....if you know you need to start "showing up" on social media but won't jump on a camera, hide behind 3rd person lingo and one sided output then you won't form the relationships.

Relationships are QUEEN when it comes showing value, connecting and ultimately sales and referrals.

Start small... give yourself small habit changes like connecting with 3 peoples posts each day, start being yourself in your words, maybe organise a professional photographer that makes you feel comfortable to get photos and then increase those actions until they come habits and natural.

Habits can also be amazing to support mental health/overwhelm - make your bed every day, clean dishes and house each night so you wake up ahead, light a candle and do breath-work each morning before work for example.

Find things that you love - even pick one - do that every single day so you form the habit.

Half Light Studio


Half Light Studio is a multidisciplinary creative design studio based in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand dedicated to Squarespace website design, brand design and business strategy.

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